About me

Who am I?

I’m a proud dog parent

I have had the pleasure of having these amazing beings in my life for nearly two decades. I am also a certified Holistic Health Coach for humans through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which gave me a great foundation to dive into holistic nutrition for dogs.

A believer in holistic nutrition

I’ve always been a believer in a diet consisting of whole foods and finding gentler, more natural ways to assist with my own health, just the way nature intended. So why shouldn’t this apply to my dogs too?

My goal is to help strengthen and improve your dog’s health

Through various holistic modalities that are gentler on their bodies and to set them up on the best path for success. Our bodies work in much the same way. They were not designed to eat the same, processed kibble every single day for the rest of their lives. My goal is to help to strengthen and improve dogs’ health through these holistic methods and to set them up on the best path to success.

A delightful photo collage capturing Sunny with her dogs.
Meet my best friends: Tofu, Nacho, and Scooby
Picture of Sunny and Nacho.

The inspiration behind this business

Relaxed image of Nacho lounging on the couch.

My soul dog and angel in heaven, Nacho

Nacho was my huge inspiration to start Nacho Average Dog Health Coach.


I fully believe that he came into my life at another devastating time of my life when I had just lost my puppy Miso. Nacho arrived to save me and to also show me what my true purpose in life is: To help other dogs in need.


Tragically, Nacho passed away suddenly and prematurely on Halloween of 2023, which happens to be my favorite holiday…

Nacho's sudden passing due to cancer

He had been diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma in January of that same year, but through a mixture of mushroom supplements he was thriving and didn’t seem to be bothered by his cancer diagnosis.


Unfortunately, he experienced constipation due to eating a little too much marrow bone and had to undergo treatment to manually remove the blockage.


His heart didn’t tolerate the procedure and he passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by me, my husband and his sister Tofu, a fellow Cane Corso.

Photo of Nacho smiling and sitting in the garden.

Continuing Nacho's legacy through holistic nutrition

To say that losing him in this fashion was devastating is a massive understatement and I was not sure where life would take me next. His death made me question everything and I knew instantly that his passing meant bigger things for me.

Image of Sunny and Nacho sitting inside the car.

My mission is to help dog parents keep their fur babies healthy

To continue Nacho’s legacy I decided to get certified as a holistic dog health coach, and to found Nacho Average Dog Health Coach in his honor.


This experience made me realize that my life’s mission and purpose is to help other dog parents keep their fur babies as healthy as possible, through what I’ve learned in my own experience as a dog mom for almost two decades, plus what I’ve learned through my certification and other courses.


I’m constantly learning and educating myself and my thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. Dogs is what inspires me and I love them all!

My #1 advice

If I can give anyone reading this any suggestions, it would be to not wait until your dog exhibits symptoms of disease or illness before you act.


The best way to keep your dog healthy is to think of all the ways he can experience his best life, right now.

How do we do this?

Everything starts with nutrition. This is the foundation and building block of a healthy and happy life. Through my coaching we will also address other factors such as exercise, mental and emotional support and stimulation, environmental/external factors and other lifestyle choices.


As this business grows, I’m also in training to become an animal communicator and Reiki energy healer, as well as a Dog Herbalist. My focus will be on dogs with cancer, but also those that are struggling with other autoimmune diseases.

A collage featuring nacho and a text box. Title: Remember, Body: The more you invest in your dog's health today, the less you need to spend unexpectedly at the vet's office tomorrow!

I’d love to meet your pup!

I believe everything with health and wellness is connected and helps create longevity and true quality of life. I also believe that I can help improve the quality of your dog’s life through these modalities, no matter what he or she is going through. So what do you say, shall we get together?

Picture of '8 Easy Steps to Support Your Dog's Health & Happiness' freebie guide.

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