Digital Product Policy

Updated: April 24, 2024

Thank you for choosing digital products from Nacho Average Dog Health Coach! We are dedicated to providing high-quality resources to support the health and happiness of your furry companions. Please review the following policy regarding the purchase and use of our digital products:


Ownership and Use:
• All digital products, including but not limited to eBooks, guides, and educational materials, are the property of Nacho Average Dog Health Coach.
• Upon purchase, customers are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the digital product for personal use only.
• Reproduction, distribution, or resale of our digital products without prior written consent from Nacho Average Dog Health Coach is strictly prohibited.



Copyright and Intellectual Property:
• All content, including text, graphics, images, and designs, contained within our digital products is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.
• Customers may not modify, adapt, or create derivative works based on our digital products without express permission from Nacho Average Dog Health Coach.



• Due to the nature of digital products, all sales are final. We do not offer refunds or exchanges for purchased digital products.
• If you encounter any technical issues or have questions about our digital products, please contact our customer support team for assistance.



Unauthorized Use:
• Any unauthorized use of our digital products, including but not limited to sharing login credentials or accessing content without proper authorization, is prohibited.
• Nacho Average Dog Health Coach reserves the right to take legal action against individuals or entities engaged in unauthorized use or distribution of our digital products.



Limitation of Liability:
• While we strive to provide accurate and helpful information in our digital products, Nacho Average Dog Health Coach cannot guarantee the effectiveness or suitability of the content for every individual pet.
• By purchasing and using our digital products, customers acknowledge and accept full responsibility for their use and any outcomes that may result.



Updates and Revisions:
• Nacho Average Dog Health Coach may periodically update or revise our digital products to ensure accuracy and relevance.
• Customers who have purchased digital products will be notified of any updates or revisions and may be eligible to receive updated versions free of charge.



Acceptance of Terms:
• By purchasing and/or using our digital products, customers agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Digital Product Policy.
• Failure to comply with these terms may result in the termination of access to our digital products and/or legal action.



For any questions or concerns regarding our Digital Product Policy, please contact us at Thank you for choosing Nacho Average Dog Health Coach for your pet care needs!

Picture of '8 Easy Steps to Support Your Dog's Health & Happiness' freebie guide.

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