Nacho Average Dog Walker

A Premium Dog Walking Service

Having difficulty finding someone you feel 100% at ease with when it comes to caring for your dog? I understand…

Don’t settle for on-demand dog walking apps, trusting a neighbor’s teen, or a random recommendation from a social media group for your pup’s care. Not all dog lovers are created equal.

Your dog deserves a true canine pro!

Maybe your dog is a large or a giant breed, shy or dog-aggressive, whatever the issue I have experience in handling dogs that require an extra skill set or attention.


Nacho Average Dog Walker was created because I saw a real need for a qualified and professional canine concierge service that could deliver to the standards of which I expect myself.

Who this service is for:

This is for you, the 2.0 pet parents who love and would do anything for  your baby but admittedly need someone to help you with day-to-day chores and activities when it comes to keeping your dog active, happy and healthy

What do we offer?

Adventure Walks

If desired, we can offer themed walks or hikes, such as nature trails, river walks, or urban explorations, to provide a more exciting experience for your dog.

Training Reinforcement

This is where we incorporate basic obedience training or skill reinforcement during walks to maintain or improve your dog's behavior.

Customized Exercise Plans

I can develop personalized exercise routines based on your dog's breed, age, fitness level, and your preferences.


Need a personalized pet taxi to take your dog to the vet, groomer, boarding facility, dog park or daycare? I can help!

“Cozy time”

Want someone to come and play with your dog in your home or just hang out in addition to a walk? We do that too!

Puppy-specific services

I offer specialized services for puppies, such as potty training, leash training, and socialization.

Senior dog care

I provide extra care and attention to senior dogs, including slower-paced walks, mobility assistance, and medication administration.

Loyalty program

If you are a frequent customer, I offer a loyalty program that rewards you with discounts and other incentives.

What sets me apart as a dog walker?

Personally, I hate being away from my dogs. It’s also super difficult to find someone who I feel is the right fit, someone who “gets” my dog the way I do. (and yes, I’m one of those dog parents who left a whole manual for my own pet sitter whenever I left… sorry, not sorry)

I know on an intimate basis how important it is for me to have someone trustworthy to take care of them while I’m gone. This is why I spend a lot of time getting to know your dog, giving him or her not only physical exercise, but also prioritize their mental and emotional needs as well.

As an animal intuitive, I’m able to quickly bond with dogs and understand their needs. Dogs are my life and my theory is they are the most perfect beings on the planet!

I take on big and small tasks so that your dog will be at their happiest, safest, and most thriving selves… because that’s what I would want for my own dog.


I left a high paying career in the wine industry to work full time with pets… to say that dogs and animals are my passion is an understatement.

I’m a certified canine nutritionist and a professionally trained holistic pet health coach with extensive knowledge of the dog’s body, common chronic health conditions and challenges as well as experience with dog behavior and training


Sunny is one of the most compassionate and caregiving human beings I have ever encountered. Her love for dogs goes beyond anything and she will definitely be more than a “dog walker”. Sunny is THE definition of an animal lover, and the only person Iw ould ever trust my dog with. We should never have to worry about our fur babies, and if they are with Sunny, you never have to!”

Sunny is a kind and loving person who loves animals to no end. She is patient and intuitive and can pretty much read my babies’ minds. I have trusted her with my fur children for many years and they all absolutely adore her!”

Sunny is exceptional in every way. Kind, experienced, knowledgeable and highly responsible, your pets will absolutely love her. I highly recommend her canine services!”

I’ve known Sunny for a long time and I know her love for animals runs deep. She has loved and cared for her own dogs are they are her children. I have no donut she will give her best care to your animal companions!”

“Sunny is the ultimate dog lover! Her passion for caring for dogs shines through in everything she does. With Sunny, your furry friend isn’t just getting a caregiver, they’re getting a devoted pup enthusiast who will go above and beyond to make sure they’re happy and healthy.”

Please review our Nacho Average Dog Walker Policy.

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