Sunny and Nacho

Ditch the Itch: Safe and Natural Alternatives to Apoquel

One of the things I love to do as a new holistic pet health coach is to meet dog parents and to learn what their actual issues are they are going through with their dogs. I do this through setting up a stand at various fairs and farmers markets, and it’s also a great way to spread the word about my new business and services. Most people are surprised that there even is such an offering that can complement their traditional veterinarian. 

One of the issues I hear about most often when I meet people and ask what their dog’s major health challenges are ‘allergies’. I’m actually amazed at the number of people who express this – I’d say 9 out of 10 people have itchy dogs with hot spots, runny eyes and ear infections!

I put allergies in quotation marks because often these issues can be improved upon and sometimes even reversed with simple things such as improving the dog’s nutrition and restoring gut health by removing harsh toxic drugs that may be given to the dog ‘just in case’. It’s not a sentence for life that dogs have to live with, and most certainly they do not have to be on Apoquel for the rest of their lives!

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What is Apoquel?

Apoquel is a medication for dogs used to treat itching and inflammation associated with allergic skin conditions and control atopic dermatitis. It was originally developed to give to dogs only for 1-3 days but I’ve encountered numerous dogs who have been on it for years!

The instructions mentioned that the drug is not recommended for dogs under 12 months old or those with serious infections… this is clearly a red flag.What’s in it that is so harmful? 

If you look at the description of Apoquel, it clearly states that it doesn’t “cure” the underlying allergies, but just manages symptoms. This is what Western medicine for chronic conditions do: they just ‘manage’, but they are never getting to the root cause of the issue. The problem with Apoquel is that you need to keep your dog on this immunosuppressive medication forever which increases the risk of major health issues later on.

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Don’t we want the itching and the scratching to go away without compromising our dog’s immune system? 

The risk of long-term use of Apoquel

Apoquel works by suppressing part of the immune system, which increases your dog’s risk of getting infections.  Cases of UTIs, ear infections and pyoderma (bacterial infection of the skin) have been reported after long-term use.

Has your dog been vomiting, has diarrhea, seems lethargic and not that interested in food? These are typical side effects too. 

The drug is relatively new, so the long-term effects of prolonged use are not fully known. One of the potential risks and one that I’ve heard is confirmed in some cases, is that the immunosuppressive effects can lead to cancer in dogs. 


While Apoquel can help suppress the itching, it may mask underlying health issues that need addressing.

Some dogs also become reliant on the medication to manage symptoms causing a dependency on the drug, which is never a good thing. Not to mention that the medication is expensive!

And the list goes on… So what can you do instead? Read on for my top 3 tips.

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Gentler and Safer Alternatives

Understanding how simple changes in diet and environment can significantly improve your dog’s well-being is essential for managing allergies and promoting overall health.

1. Dietary Changes

As alluded to earlier, nutrition is key here, which is probably the major reason your dog is experiencing allergy symptoms to being with. Feed as much fresh, whole food as possible.

Home cooking is best – I teach this to my clients during our regular 1:1 consultations  Adding omega-3 fatty acids (such as whole sardines or a good quality fish oil) to reduce inflammation is a fantastic addition to your dog’s diet.

Include probiotics to support gut health and immune function.

2. Environmental concerns:

Limit or better yet, avoid, exposure to toxic household products and exterior factors such as chemically treated lawns and parks. This will just increase the toxic load your dog’s body has to deal with and try to get rid of.  

Give your dog regular baths using gentle shampoos such as this and wipe off his or her paws when coming in from the outside.

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Use a natural flea & tick spray instead of traditional flea & tick medications that are loaded with toxic chemicals and cause many adverse effects to your dog’s system.

Use a hypoallergenic or organic dog bed, oftentimes dogs react to furniture and dog beds that are sprayed with flame retardants. 

3. Opt for natural supplements

Quercetin is often called nature’s Benadryl and is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory that together with bromelain enhances quercetin absorption and has anti-inflammatory properties.

CBD oil is highly underrated for so many things that can help your dog’s health and bring the body back to a balanced state.  Unlike Apoquel, which turns off the immune responses, CBD increases the communication between cells in the immune system, contributing to a more targeted response to the allergy.

Make sure to use a full spectrum CBD (not broad) and from a company that fully discloses their sources of ingredients.

I recommend CBD Dog Health’s Ease for allergies and itching, and this same oil is also good for dog’s with arthritis, joints and pains. What I love about CBD Is that it doesn’t just help with one specific condition but it aids overall health. All benefits and no side effects!

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There are many other ways to ease your dog’s allergies and itching naturally that are not mentioned above but this article gives you a place to start. 

If you’re interested in learning more, get in touch with me and let’s schedule a consultation so we can get your dog back to normal!

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