Welcome to Nacho’s blog!

Relaxed image of Nacho lounging on the couch.

Hello there and welcome to my very first blog post here on the Nacho Average Dog Health Coach website!

I’m thrilled that you’re here and reading this. I thought I’d start with giving you a background of how this brand came about. First and foremost, I didn’t choose this business, the business and new industry I’m in, chose me.

The inspiration behind my business

When my soul dog Nacho died unexpectedly less than a year ago, I was feeling beyond devastated and lost, as so many other pet parents can relate to. But it was more than a loss, and I’ve had many in my life. I’ve lost both my parents, uncles, aunts, close friends, and many dogs before Nacho.

First I thought that his death changed me, but then after much soul searching and discovery I realized I had been lost and his passing led to me finding back to myself. 50+ years later – better late than never! Although I’ve always  felt much closer to animals than humans my entire life, I’ve never had such a strong connection with any other being that I had with Nacho.

When he left this world, all of a sudden, I felt like my life had no meaning and that I was living a lie.

All my life I’ve been the “”good girl “doing what I was supposed to do or what I thought looked good or what was expected of me. I’ve excelled in pretty much everything. I’ve done my whole life, but it was always based on someone else’s dream, not mine.

Losing Nacho was a painful eye-opener, as he made me look at myself for who I am, not for who I was pretending to be. Then I realized I hadn’t lost him at all. He came into my life to show me what I’m really supposed to be doing, and what I’m truly capable of. That is working with animals and supporting their human companions so their fur babies can achieve optimal health and a closer bond with one another.

That is the power of dogs.

The past few years, I felt incredibly disconnected from everything. Most of all from nature and my intuition. Instead of looking to others for guidance and advice, I now have found the courage to go for what my heart truly wants and to express who I really am.

I’m proud to say that Nacho has guided me back to my North Star, and for that I’m forever grateful although I would give anything to have him back in the flesh.

What is Holistic Health Pet Health Coaching?

What does all of this have to do with Holistic Pet Health Coaching, you ask? Well, everything.

Because everything is connected. That is the epitome of holistic health care. We look at the whole, not just individual parts. When we are disconnected from our true source, from nature, from healthy, natural foods that sustain us in the best way, disease occurs.

Today we are glued to multiple screens all day away from nature, we never feel the earth under our bare feet, take time to cook a meal from scratch with ingredients that grow naturally in our local community, or take a moment just to admire the beauty of the trees, flowers, and butterflies that surround us. Rather, we pride ourselves on being busy, achieving financial success, buying bigger houses, more expensive cars and designer clothes, yet we are sicker and more miserable than we’ve ever been.

Unfortunately, our dogs’ lives are affected by our lifestyle as well.

Because we devote all our time at the office or to chasing material goods to impress our neighbor or friends, we have no time to cook for ourselves or our dogs. So our dogs get dry, dead, ultra-processed food in the form of kibble every single day, for every single meal for the rest of their life.

As a result, they develop allergies, skin issues, stomach issues, chronic diseases, and ultimately – one out of two dogs develop cancer. Then we spend even more money on drugs to keep the disease in check, but they never really recover but live sicker, longer. The cycle continues.

Holistic Health Coaching is not just about feeding your dog better food, giving them supplements or suggesting you take them for longer walks. It really looks at not just your dog’s life, but also yours and how you can connect better and understand each other in a way that overworked, traditional veterinarians, simply don’t have the time or capacity to do even if they want to.

As we’ve heard many times, when people are at death’s door, they don’t wish they had worked and hustled more, they wish they had taken more time to slow down, taken better care of themselves and their loved ones. Let’s not have that regret, but let’s start now to take preventative measures for both ourselves and our pets, so that we can live in happy, healthy harmony together.

Through Nacho Average Dog Health Coach you will learn how to reconnect with nature and your dog.

Will you join the revolution?

Stay tuned for more blog posts, where we will explore how you can help your dog live his best life. You both deserve it!

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Hi there! I'm Sunny Gandara

I founded Nacho Average Dog Health Coach inspired by my beloved soul-dog & angel in heaven Nacho. I aim to share my expertise & compassion, and encourage pet parents to prioritize their pets’ well-being.

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