Introducing Your

Holistic Dog Health Coach

Are you ready to see your fur baby thrive from nose to tail?

Welcome to the world of holistic dog health coaching, where we prioritize your pup’s well-being in body, mind, and spirit. Imagine a companion for your four-legged family member who not only cares about their physical health but also understands their emotional and mental needs.


Our holistic dog health coaching program offers a comprehensive approach to canine wellness, tailored to suit your dog’s unique personality, breed, situation and lifestyle.

Photo of Nacho and Tofu sitting side by side on a sofa.

Here's what makes this service unique:

Image of Sunny displaying ingredients for homemade dog food recipe.

1. Personalized Nutrition Plans

Just like humans, dogs benefit from a balanced and nutritious diet. As a certified holistic dog health coach I will work with you to develop a customized nutrition plan that takes into account your dog’s age, weight, activity level, food sensitivities and any other specific dietary requirements.

2. Mindful Exercise Routines

Exercise is crucial for a dog’s physical and mental well-being. I’ll help you design a tailored exercise routine that keeps your pup active, engaged, and happy, whether it’s through outdoor adventures, interactive games, or calming activities.

Photo of Nacho smiling and relaxing on a yoga mat in the garden.
Photo of Nacho and Tofu relaxing in the garden.

3. Stress Reduction Techniques

Dogs experience stress too, whether it’s due to separation anxiety, changes in their environment, or health issues. My holistic approach includes stress reduction techniques such as massage, Reiki energy sessions, aromatherapy, and gentle music to help your dog relax and find inner peace.

4. Natural Remedies and Supplements

Sometimes, traditional medicine isn’t the answer. As a holistic dog health coach I am well-versed in natural remedies and supplements that can support your dog’s health and address common issues like joint pain, digestive problems, and skin allergies. I use a combination of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and Functional Medicine, working with herbs, essential oils and mushrooms, among other methods.

A collage featuring nacho and a text box. Title: Remember, Body: The more you invest in your dog's health today, the less you need to spend unexpectedly at the vet's office tomorrow!

5. Behavioral Support

From obedience training to addressing behavioral issues, I provide guidance and support to help you build a strong bond with your furry friend based on trust, communication, and positive reinforcement.

6. Lifestyle Coaching

Dogs are social creatures who thrive on routine and structure. I’ll work with you to create a balanced lifestyle for your dog that includes plenty of love and attention, as well as attunement to his energy and how he can best thrive in his environment.

At Nacho Average Dog Health Coach, we believe that every dog deserves to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. I look forward to partner with you in nurturing your dog’s holistic well-being, so you can enjoy many more years of tail-wagging joy together!


Health consultations are based on a combination of TVCM and Functional Medicine with the aim to support your dog as much as possible through whole food and natural supplements.


Note: Consulting your vet before making any major changes to your dog’s diet or lifestyle is important, in order to taking into consideration

Virtual Group Programs and Online Workshops

This option is for those who want to go in on sessions with other dog parents to help offset costs. A great opportunity to meet other dog parents and to learn from each other!

Virtual Group Programs and Online Workshops
Picture of '8 Easy Steps to Support Your Dog's Health & Happiness' freebie guide.

Get your free guide to support your dog's health and happiness here